







  1. 围绕次生盐渍化等亚适宜环境,开展番茄等设施蔬菜逆境响应及其调控机制研究

  2. 产量,品质和抗性协同调控分子机制



  1. 国家自然科学基金-青年科学基金项目,32302640HB52-Put2模块介导多胺转运调控番茄盐胁迫响应的分子机制,主持。

  2. 广东省自然科学基金-面上项目,2414050003206,分子模块AREB1-Put介导多胺转运提高番茄耐盐性的分子机制研究,主持。

  3. 广东省自然科学基金-面上项目,2023A1515010505WRKY35转录因子在菜心糖合成代谢中的调控作用研究,主持。

  4. 广州市科技计划项目-一般项目,2023A04J0114,菜心WRKY35调控蔗糖积累的机制研究,主持。

  5. 广东省农业农村厅-种业振兴专项,2022-NPY-00-009,华南特色叶菜优质耐热抗病新品种选育及示范推广,参与。


  1. Yunyan Kang, Hongyi Qin, Guohu Wang, Bingfu Lei, Xian Yang, Min Zhong*. 2024. Selenium nanoparticles mitigate cadmium stress in tomato through enhanced accumulation and transport of sulfate/selenite and polyamines. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

  2. Yunyan Kang, Zhongli Jiang, Chen Meng, Xianpeng Ning, Gengzheng Pan, Xian Yang, Min Zhong*. 2024. A Multifaceted Crosstalk between Brassinosteroid and Gibberellin Regulates the Resistance of Cucumber to Phytophthora melonis. The plant journal.

  3. Yunyan Kang, Qiaobo Wu, Gengzhen Pan, Haijun Yang, Jing Li, Xian Yang, Min Zhong*. 2024. High daily light integral positively regulate photosynthetic capacity through mediating nitrogen partitioning and leaf anatomical characteristic in flowering Chinese cabbage. Scientia Horticulturae.

  4. Min Zhong#, Lingqi Yue, Qingqing Chen, Hui Wang, Bingfu Lei, Xian Yang, Yunyang Kang. 2023. Spermidine carbon dots enhance thermotolerance by modulating photosynthesis and cellular redox homeostasis in tomato. Environmental science: Nano.

  5. Min Zhong#, Lingqi Yue, Wei Liu, Hongyi Qin, Bingfu Lei, Riming Huang, Xian Yang, Yunyan Kang. 2023. Genome-wide identification and characterization of the polyamine uptake transporter (Put) gene family in tomatoes and the role of Put2 in response to salt stress. Antioxidants.

  6. Lifeng Kuang, Yunyan Kang, Hui Wang, Riming Huang, Bingfu Lei, Min Zhong*, Xian Yang. 2023. The roles of Salvia miltiorrhiza-derived carbon dots involving in maintaining quality by delaying senescence of postharvest flowering Chinese cabbage. Food Chemistry.

  7. Min Zhong, Lingqi Yue, Hongyi Qin, Liwen Xiao, Qinqin Cheng, Bingfu Lei, Riming Huang, Xian Yang and Yunyan Kang. 2023. TGase-induced Cd tolerance by boosting polyamine, nitric oxide, cell wall composition and phytochelatin synthesis in tomato. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety.

  8. Min Zhong, Yu Wang, Kun Hou, Sheng Shu, Jin Sun and Shirong Guo. 2019. TGase positively regulates photosynthesis via activation of Calvin cycle enzymes in tomato. Horticulture Research.

  9. 束胜,康云艳,王玉,袁凌云,钟珉,孙锦,郭世荣. 2018. 世界设施园艺发展概况、特点及趋势分析. 中国蔬菜(7):1-13.

  10. 郭世荣,钟珉,王玉. 2018. 番茄 TGase 基因在提高番茄非生物胁迫抗性中应用. ZL201811031269.0.

  11. 王玉,张月美,钟珉,郭世荣,王健,孙锦,束胜. 2018. 番茄 SAMDC1 基因在培育无籽番茄中的应用. ZL201811354081.X.

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