2018年至2019年作为访问学者于美国佛罗里达大学食品与科学学院进行学习(合作导师 Mark A. Ritenour);
Plant Breeding Reviews V37. 2013.5.26. Breeding Loquat Maria L. Badenes, Jules Janick, Shunquan Lin, Zhike Zhang, Guolu Liang and Weixing Wang.. p259-296 ISBN: 978-1-118-49785-2
1基于OBE教育理念的《园艺植物生物技术》教学模式研究与实践, 2021, 院级, 主持.
2 《园艺植物生物技术》“课程思政” 教学案例植物病毒的脱除, 2022, 校级课程思政示范案例项目, 主持.
3 《园艺植物种质资源与分类》实验教学内容体系优化的研究与实践, 2023, 校级教学改革项目一般项目, 主持.
4园艺植物生物技术《原生质体融合》, 2023, 校级课程思政示范课堂项目, 主持.
1 果树野生近缘种基因组进化规律研究 A 科技部 100万 2019-2022 结题
2 柑橘高效益栽培及保鲜技术在巴基斯坦的示范与推广 A 广州市科技局 100万 2018-2022 结题
3 喀什民族药用植物粗子草(T.roylei)的人工驯化研究 B 广东省科技厅自筹项目 2016-2018 结题
4 绿农生物复合微生物菌剂在果树上的应用 横向 3万 2021- 2023 结题
5 郁南黄皮提质增效生产技术的示范和推广 B 广东省科技厅 8万 2023- 2025 在研
1 梅州市梅县区金柚产业发展科技支撑与服务 横向 35万 2019-2019 排名第 3 结题
2 郁南建城镇黄皮“产学研”合作协议横向 20万 2024-2026 排名第3 结题
3 黄皮新种质创制、防日灼与防裂果及保鲜技术研发 C 横向 90万 2024-2027 排名第2 在研
4 绿农生物复合微生物菌剂在茶树上的应用 横向 5 万 2021-2023 排名第2 结题
5 新型海洋寡糖类药肥研制及产品应用 其他纵向 8万 2019-2021-12-31 排名第 2 结题
6 新丰县驻镇帮镇扶村农村科技特派员团队项目 各地市科技局项目 30万 2022-2024 排名第 3 结题
7 调控火龙果甜菜素生物合成核心MYB转录因子的筛选、鉴定及机制解析 A 国家自然科学基金委员会 57 2020-2023 排名第3 结题
8 粤桂协作融安金桔项目 各地市科技局项目 40万 2024-2025 排名第3 在研
张志珂,马梅冰, 胡桂兵, 严朝东, 叶耀雄, 张荣, 秦永华. 火龙果新品种粉红1号的选育[J].果树学报, 2023,40(04):822-826.
叶宾, 黄洁文, 李宇, 魏鸿瑶, 吴良肪, 丁玙, 谷潇雨, 赵杰堂, 胡桂兵, 秦永华, 王艳慧, 张志珂. 13份化橘红种质的鉴定研究[J]. 热带作物学报, 2023, 44(2):289-301.
张志珂, 王力, 张展伟, 傅嘉欣, 阮贤聪, 刘传滨, 陈军, 赵杰堂, 刘成明, 林立红, 苏燕钿,孙倍煜, 秦永华, 冯瑞祥, 欧阳若, 胡桂兵. 黄皮新品种华蜜2号黄皮[J]. 果树学报, 2021, 38(12):2246-2249.
王力, 傅嘉欣, 阮贤聪, 张展伟, 陈盖洵, 秦永华, 欧阳若, 赵杰堂, 刘成明, 徐社金, 陈健,冯瑞祥, 陈军, 梁银浩, 吴松浩, 胡桂兵, 张志珂*. 黄皮新品种华蜜黄皮的选育[J]. 果树学报, 2021, 38(6):1021-1024.
张志珂.短视频在《园艺植物生物技术》(双语)上的应用——以华南农业大学园艺学院课程为例[J]. 现代园艺, 2021, 44(14):197-199.
张志珂, 秦永华, 胡桂兵. 火龙果在本科教学实验上的应用——以华南农业大学园艺专业课程为例[J]. 教育教学论坛, 2020, (24):378-381.
吴波, 刘佳柔, 何业华, 张志珂*. 矮凤梨组织培养快速繁殖技术研究[J]. 东南园艺. 2019, 1:1-8.
张志珂, 秦永华叶自行胡桂兵. 无籽砂糖橘裂果的原因及防控技术. 东南园艺. 2017, 5:44-49.
张志珂, 林顺权. 枇杷属植物数值分类学研究. 第六届全国枇杷学术研讨会论文(摘要)集. 2013, 3-12.
张志珂, 王永清, 林顺权, 杜奎. 借助细胞流式仪进行枇杷基因组学测序材料的倍性鉴定. 果树学报, 2012, 29 (3):498-504.
张志珂, 林顺权. 枇杷基因组测序计划启动(简报). 第五届全国枇杷学术研讨会论文(摘要)集. 2011, pp52.
张志珂, 陈杰忠, 周碧燕, 李涛, 张燕, 胡又厘. 枇杷夏梢生长与成花期间的碳氮营养代谢特征. 第四届全国枇杷学术研讨会论文集. 2009, pp284.
张志珂, 陈彬, 杨凤玲, 林顺权. 枇杷野生种的种质资源离体保存初探[J]. 福建果树. 2008, 3,:28-32.
Z.K. Zhang, H.H. Yang, Y.M. Xing, F.F. Xie, C.B. Chen, Z.C. Zhang, J.T. Zhao, G. B. Hu, Y. H. Qin*. Quality analysis and evaluation of different batches of pitaya fruit (Hylocereus) in South China.International Journal of Fruit Science, 2024, 24(1):33-43.
J. Rui, L.F. Wu, J.M. Zeng, K. Shah, R. Zhang, G.B. Hu, Y. H. Qin, YH,Z.K. Zhang*. Identification of HuSWEET family in pitaya (Hylocereus undatus) and key roles of HuSWEET12a and HuSWEET13d in sugar accumulation. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2023,24(16): 12882.
J. M. Zeng, J. Y. Chen, K. Shah, F.F. Xie, C. B. Chen, J. X. Chen, J. T. Zhao, G.B. Hu, Z.K. Zhang*, Y.H. Qin*. Identification of HuSPL family and key role of HuSPL12 in regulation of betalain biosynthesis in pitaya. Physiologia Plantarum,2023, 175(3): e13923. https://doi.org/10.1111/ppl.13923
Z. K. Zhang, Y.M. Xing, M.Ramakrishnan, C.B.Chen, F.F. Xie, Q.Z. Hua, J.Y. Chen, R. Zhang, J. T. Zhao, G. B. Hu, Y. H. Qin. Transcriptomics-based identification and characterization of genes related to sugar metabolism in ‘Hongshuijing’ pitaya. Horticultural Plant Journal, 2022, 8(4): 450-460. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hpj.2021.06.004
J. R. Liu, B.Wu, T. Xie, A.P. Luan, Y.Q. Ding, Z.C. Zhang, Y.H. He*, Z.K.Zhang *. Bud induction and observation of in vitro flowering from the callus of Ananas bracteatus var. tricolor. Hort Science,2022, 57(5):595–598. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI15083-21
Y. Y. Jiang, J. R. Peng, Y.Cao, Z. Han, Z. K. Zhang*. Method for fast staining and obtaining high-magnification and high-resolution cell images of Nicotiana benthamiana. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 2021, 27(1):35-43.
Z. K. Zhang, G.F. Li,X.H. Yang, S.Q. Lin. Taxonomic studies using multivariate analysis of Eriobotrya based on morphological traits[J]. Phytotaxa, 2017,302(2):122.
Z.K. Zhang, S.Q. Lin. New geographic locations for four Eriobotrya species. IV International Symposium on Loquat, Acta Hortic, 2015, 1092: 123-127.
T. T. Zhang, K. Xing, J. Chen, I.A. Sabir, K. Shah, J, Chen. Z. K. Zhang, J. T. Zhao, G. B. Hu, Y. H. Qin. Genetic analyses of flower main traits from two pitayas and their progenies: a Cactus plant[J]. Plants, 2024, 13(5):699.
M.Q. Huang, W.Y. Guo, X. Y. Wu, Y.Q. Qin, I.A. Sabir, Z. K. Zhang, Y. H. Qin. G. B. Hu, J. T. Zhao. Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration of Litchi chinensis Sonn. cv. ‘Zili’ from immature zygotic embryos[J]. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 2024, 156:39.
S. Li, Y.Q. Qin, S. Q. Jing, D. Wang, Z. K. Zhang, Y. H. Qin, G. B. Hu, J. T. Zhao. Metabolome and transcriptome analyses reveal the molecular mechanisms of LcMYB1 regulating anthocyanin accumulation in litchi hairy roots. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2023, 200:107749.
C. B.Chen, F.F. Xie, K. Shah, Q. Z. Hua, J. Y. Chen, Z. K. Zhang, J. T. Zhao, G. B. Hu, Y. H.Qin. Genome-wide identification of WRKY gene family in pitaya reveals the involvement of HmoWRKY42 in betalain biosynthesis[J]. International Journal of Molecular Sciences,2022,23(18).
C. B. Chen,F. P. Li, F.F. Xie, J. X. Chen,Q. Z. Hua,J. Y. Chen, Z. J.Wu, Z. K. Zhang, R. Zhang, J. T. Zhao, G. B. Hu, Y. H. Qin.Pitaya genome and multiomics database (PGMD): A comprehensive and integrative resource of Selenicereus undatus[J]. Genes,2022,13(5).
F.F. Xie,C. B.Chen,J. X. Chen, Y. J. Yuan, Q. Z. Hua, Z. K. Zhang, J.T.Zhao, G. B. Hu, J. Y. Chen, Y. H.Qin.. Metabolic profiling of sugars and organic acids, and expression analyses of metabolism-associated genes in two yellow-peel pitaya species[J]. Plants,2022,11(5).
J. R. Peng, W. K. Li, Y. Yuan, Z. Q. Han, Y. P. Cao, M. Q. Shahid, Z. K. Zhang, Y. S. Gao Y, S. Q. Lin, Y. Y. Jiang. Removal of the main inflorescence to induce reflowering of loquat[J]. Horticultural Plant Journal,2022,8(1).
J. X. Chen, Y. J. Yuan, F.F. Xie,Z. K. Zhang, J. Y. Chen, Z R. Zhang, J. T. Zhao, G. B. Hu, Y. H. Qin. Metabolic profiling of organic acids reveals the involvement of HuIPMS2 in citramalic acid synthesis in pitaya. Horticulturae, 2022, 8: 167.
X. L. Hu, F.F. Xie, W. Liang, Y. Liang, Z. K. Zhang, J. T. Zhao, G. B. Hu, Y. H. Qin. HuNAC20 and HuNAC25, two novel NAC genes from pitaya, confer cold tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23,2189.
Q. Z. Hua, C. B.Chen,F.F. Xie,Z. K. Zhang,R. Zhang, J. T. Zhao, G. B. Hu, Y. H. Qin. A genome-wide identification study reveals that HmoCYP76AD1, HmoDODAα1 and HmocDOPA5GT involved in betalain biosynthesis in Hylocereus[J]. Genes,2021,12(12). 8
Y. Q. Qin, D. Wang Dan, J. X. Fu, Z. K. Zhang, Y. H. Qin, G.B. Hu, J. T. Zhao. Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated hairy root transformation as an efficient system for gene function analysis in Litchi chinensis[J]. Plant Methods,2021,17(1).
F.F. Xie,Q. Z. Hua, C. B. Chen,Z. K. Zhang,R. Zhang, J. T. Zhao, G. B. Hu, J. Y. Chen, Y. H. Qin. Genome-wide characterization of R2R3-MYB transcription factors in pitaya reveals a R2R3-MYB repressor HuMYB1 involved in fruit ripening through regulation of betalain biosynthesis by repressing betalain biosynthesis-related genes[J]. Cells,2021,10(8).
X. Y. Ye, Y. S. Gao, C. B. Chen, F. F. Xie, Q. Z. Hua, Z. K. Zhang, R. Zhang, J. T. Zhao, G. B. Hu, Y. H. Qin. Genome-wide identification of aquaporin gene gamily in pitaya reveals an HuNIP6;1 involved in flowering process[J]. International Journal of Molecular Sciences,2021,22(14).
J. Y. Chen,F.F. Xie, Y. Z. Cui, C. B. Chen, W. J. Lu, X. D. Hu, Q. Z. Hua, J. Zhao, Z. J. Wu, D. Gao,Z. K. Zhang,W.K. Jiang, Q. M. Sun, G.B. Hu, Y. H. Qin. A chromosome-scale genome sequence of pitaya (Hylocereus undatus) provides novel insights into the genome evolution and regulation of betalain biosynthesis.[J]. Horticulture research,2021,8(1).
T. Zhong, J. X. Zhang, X. X. Sun, J. J. Kou, Z. K. Zhang,J. H. Bai, M. Ritenour. The potential of gaseous chlorine dioxide for the control of citrus postharvest stem-end rot caused by Lasiodiplodia theobromae.[J]. Plant disease,2021,3426-3432.
L.L. Zhang, C. B. Chen, F.F. Xie, Q. Z. Hua, Z. K. Zhang,R. Zhang, J. Y. Chen, J. T. Zhao, G. B. Hu, Y. H. Qin. A novel WRKY transcription factor HmoWRKY40 associated with betalain biosynthesis in pitaya (Hylocereus monacanthus) through regulating HmoCYP76AD1. IInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2021, 22:2171. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms22042171
W.B. Su, Y.Jing, S. K. Lin, Z. Yue, X. H. Yang, J. B. Xu, J. C. Wu, Z.K. Zhang, R. Xia, J. J. Zhu, N.An, H. X. Chen, Y. P. Hong, Y. Yuan, T. Long, L. Zhang, Y.Y. Jiang, Z. L. Liu, H. L. Zhang, Y. S. Gao, Y. X. Liu, H. L. Lin, H. C. Wang, L. Yant, S. Q. Lin, Z. H. Liu. Polyploidy underlies co-option and diversification of biosynthetic triterpene pathways in the apple tribe. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 2021, 118(20):e2101767118. DOI:10.1073/pnas.2101767118
Y. Ren, J. Y. Pan, Z. K. Zhang, J. T. Zhao, Y. H. Qin, G. B. Hu.Identification of an up-accumulated polyamine oxidase 2 in pollen of self-incompatible 'wuzishatangju' mandarin using comparative proteomic analysis. Scientia Horticulturae, 2020, 266, 109279-.
Y. Ren, Q. Z. Hua, J. Y. Pan, Z. K. Zhang, J. T. Zhao, X. H. He, Y. H. Qin, G. B. Hu. Skp1-like protein, crskp1-e, interacts with pollen-specific f-box proteins and assembles into scf-type e3 complex in 'wuzishatangju' (citrus reticulata blanco) pollen. PeerJ, 2020, 8: e10578.
C. B. Chen, J. Y. Wu, Q. Z. Hua, N. Tel‑Zur, F.F. Xie, Z. K. Zhang, J. Y. Chen, R. Zhang, G. B. Hu, J. T. Zhao, Y. H. Qin.Identification of reliable reference genes for quantitative real-time PCR normalization in pitaya[J]. Plant Methods, 2019, 15(1).
Y. Y. Jiang, J. R. Peng, Z. K. Zhang, S. K. Lin, S. Q. Lin, X. H. Yang. The role of EjSVPs in flower initiation in Eriobotrya japonica[J]. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019, 20(23):5933.
Q.Z. Hua, C.B. Chen, N. Tel Zur, H. Wang, J. Y. Wu, J. Y. Chen,Z. K. Zhang,J. T. Zhao, G. B. Hu, Y. H. Qin, Metabolomic characterization of pitaya fruit from three red-skinned cultivars with different pulp colors. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry.2018, 126:117-125.
C.B. Chen, P.Y.Wu, F.F. Xie, L.Y. Sun, Y.M. Xing, Q.Z. Hua, Z.K. Zhang, J.Y. Chen, J.T. Zhao, G.B. Hu, Y.H. Qin. Breeding of ‘Hongguan No. 1’ and ‘Shuangse No. 1’ Pitayas with Superior Quality. HORTSCIENCE, 2018, 53(3):1–6.
X.H. Yang, S.K. Najafabadi, M. Q, Shahid,Z. K. Zhang, et al. (). Genetic relationships among eriobotrya species revealed by genome‐wide rad sequence data. Ecology & Evolution, 2017, 7(8):2861-2867.
W.L. Wei, M. Q, Shahid,Z. K. Zhang,et al. DNA Markers Based on PSY Genes Can Differentiate Yellow- and White-Fleshed Loquats[J]. Journal- American Pomological Society, 2016, 70(3):165-168.
T. T, Zheng, Z. K. Zhang, M. Q, Shahid et al. RNA-Seq reveals differential expression patterns of genes associated with carotenoid accumulation in loquat[J]. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2017, 39(8):168.
G.F. Li,Z.K. Zhang, X.H. Yang, Y.C. Qiao, X. L. He, Y. S. Gao, Y.Y. Jiang, S.Q. Lin.Inter-specific and Inter-Generic hybridization compatibility of Eriobotrya species (Loquat) and Related Genera. Horticultural Plant Journal, 2016, 2(6): 315–322.
L.Zhang, Z.K. Zhang (共同第一作者), T.T. Zheng, W.L.Wei, Y.M. Zhu, Y.S.Gao, X.H.Yang, S.Q.Lin. Characterization of carotenoid accumulation and carotenogenic gene expression during fruit development in yellow and white loquat fruit. Horticultural Plant Journal,2016, 2 (1): 9–15.
Jules Janick, Z.K. Zhang, S.Q.Lin, Important world cultivars of loquat. IV International Symposium on Loquat, Acta Hortic.2015, 1092, 25-32
Y.C. Qiao, Z.K. Zhang, Y.S Gao, C.M Liu, S.Q. Lin, Y.P. Hong and D.L. Guo (2015). Genetic diversity in loquat germplasm using SRAP and SSR markers. IV International Symposium on Loquat, Acta Hortic. 2015, 1092, 105-113
L. Zhang, Z.K. Zhang(共同第一作者), S.Q. Lin., T. T. Zheng, X.H. Yang. Evaluation of six methods for extraction of total RNA from loquat. Not Bot Horti Agrobo, 2013, 41(1): 313-316.
G.F. Li, Z.K. Zhang(共同第一作者), S.Q. Lin. Origin and evolution of Eriobotrya. Acta Horticulturae. (ISHS)887:III International Symposium on Loquat 2011, 33-37.
H.L. Zhang, Z.K. Zhang, S.Q. Lin and J.G. LI Screening wild Eriobotrya species as rootstocks for loquat.The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology. 2010, 85(5): 399-404.
X.H. Yang, P. Li, Z. K. Zhang. A preliminarily phylogeny study of the Eriobotrya based on the nrDNA Adh sequences. Not. Bot. Horti. Agrobo. 2012., 40(2): 233-237.
Y.L Hu, S.G Yang, Z.K. Zhang, Changes in nucleic acids and endogenous hormones in the apical buds of terminal shoots during the crucial period of floral induction in loquat. Acta Horticulturae. (ISHS) 887:III International Symposium on Loquat, 2011, p203-208.
通过胚培养快速繁殖枇杷属植物远缘杂交后代材料的方法和应用技术技术,ZL201510854700.1. 授权日2017年10月20日。(排名第3)
一种促进植物提前开花的火龙果HuNIP6;1 基因及其应用,ZL202110171710.0. 授权日2022年12月16日。(排名第3)