


博士,副研究员,硕士生导师Frontiers in Plant Science期刊编委





2019.08-2020.09,佐治亚大学,Esther van der Knaap’ lab,访问学者










  1. 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金-青年提升项目,2023A15150300702023-2025,主持

  2. 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金-面上项目,2022A15150107342022-2024,主持

  3. 广州市基础与应用基础研究项目,2021020205472021-2023,主持

  4.  国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,318018632019-2021,主持

  5.  广东省自然科学基金,2018A0303102112018-2021,主持

  6.  国家自然科学基金重点项目,318300712018-2023,主要参加


  1. Yan S, Yu B, Ming F, Liang Y, Zhong Y, Wang Z, Zhang X, Li X, Qiu Z, Cao B. 2022. CsIVP Modulates Low Nitrogen and High-Temperature Resistance in Cucumber. Plant and Cell Physiology63(5): 605-617. (并列通讯作者)

  2. Xu Y, Liu X, Huang Y, Xia Z, Lian Z, Qian L, Yan S, Cao B, Qiu Z. 2022. Ethylene Inhibits Anthocyanin Biosynthesis by Repressing the R2R3-MYB Regulator SlAN2-like in Tomato. International Journal of Molecular Sciences23(14): 7648. (通讯作者)

  3. Yan S, Chen N, Huang Z, Li D, Zhi J, Yu B, Liu X, Cao B, Qiu Z. 2020. Anthocyanin Fruit encodes an R2R3-MYB transcription factor, SlAN2like, activating the transcription of SlMYBATV to fine-tune anthocyanin content in tomato fruit. New Phytologist225(5): 2048-2063. (通讯作者)

  4. Zhi J, Liu X, Li D, Huang Y, Yan S, Cao B, Qiu Z. 2020. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated SlAN2 mutants reveal various regulatory models of anthocyanin biosynthesis in tomato plant. Plant Cell Reports39(6): 799-809. (通讯作者)

  5. Qiu Z, Yan S, Xia B, Jiang J, Yu B, Lei J, Chen C, Chen L, Yang Y, Wang Y. 2019. The eggplant transcription factor MYB44 enhances resistance to bacterial wilt by activating the expression of spermidine synthase. Journal of Experimental Botany70(19): 5343-5354. (第一作者)

  6. Qiu Z, Wang H, Li D, Yu B, HuI Q, Yan S, Huang Z, Cui X, Cao B. 2019. Identification of Candidate HY5-Dependent and -Independent Regulators of Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in Tomato. Plant and Cell Physiology60(3): 643-656. (第一作者)

  7. Cao X, Qiu Z, Wang X, Van TG, Liu X, Wang J, Wang X, Gao J, Guo Y, Du Y. 2017. A putative R3 MYB repressor is the candidate gene underlying atroviolacium, a locus for anthocyanin pigmentation in tomato fruit. Journal of Experimental Botany68(21-22). (并列第一作者)

  8. Cui L, Qiu Z, Wang Z, Gao J, Guo Y, Huang Z, Du Y, Wang X. 2017. Fine mapping of a gene (ER4. 1) that causes epidermal reticulation of tomato fruit and characterization of the associated transcriptome. Frontiers in Plant Science8: 1254. (并列第一作者)

  9. Qiu Z, Li R, Zhang S, Wang K, Xu M, Li J, Du Y, Yu H, Cui X. 2016a. Identification of Regulatory DNA Elements Using Genome-wide Mapping of DNase I Hypersensitive Sites during Tomato Fruit Development. Molecular Plant9(8): 1168-1182. (第一作者)

  10. Qiu Z, Wang X, Gao J, Guo Y, Huang ZR, Du Y. 2016b. The Tomato Hoffman’s Anthocyaninless Gene Encodes a bHLH Transcription Factor Involved in Anthocyanin Biosynthesis That Is Developmentally Regulated and Induced by Low Temperatures. PLOS ONE11(3). (第一作者)


  1. 颜爽爽; 曹必好; 邱正坤; 余炳伟; 雷建军; 朱张生; 陈长明;黄瓜CsIVP基因在高温耐受性方面的应用,2022.06.07,中国,ZL202110851113.2

  2.  曹必好; 颜爽爽; 邱正坤; 雷建军; 陈长明;茄子SmWRKY转录因子及其在提高茄子青枯病抗性方面的应用,2021.12.14,中国,ZL 202011011500.7

  3. 王海敬; 崔霞; 邱正坤; 周震;一种快速对番茄果实中花青素进行种类解析和含量测定的方法,2023.02.07,中国,ZL 202010606673.7

  4.  邱正坤; 曹必好; 侯军晓; 黄泽军; 崔霞;一种运用CRISPR/Cas9基因编辑系统创制紫果番茄突变体的方法和应用,2021.07.23,中国,ZL 201810895852.X

  5. 黄泽军; 杜永臣; 邱正坤; 曹雪; 王孝宣; 高建昌; 国艳梅;与番茄紫黑色果实基因ATV紧密连锁的分子标记及其应用,2019.03.12,中国,ZL 201610405970.9







personal resume

Associate Prof.Zhengkun Qiu


South China Agricultural University,

Guangzhou,Guangdong510642,P. R. China

 Tel: (+86)020-85280228

E-mail: qiuzhengkun@scau.edu.cnhttps://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zhengkun-Qiu-2


l  Ph.D. (Vegetable science)

Institute of Vegetables and Flowers (IVF), Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), Beijing, 2016

l  B.S. (Horticulture)

CollegeofHorticulture, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou,2011

Areaof Expertise

Vegetable genetic and molecular breeding.


1.        Yan S*, Wang Y*, Yu B, Gan Y, Lei J, Chen C, Zhu Z, Qiu Z#, Cao B#. 2023. A putative E3 ubiquitin ligase substrate receptor degrades transcription factor SmNAC to enhance bacterial wilt resistance in eggplant. Horticulture Research 11(1):uhad246.

2.        Xu Y, Liu X, Huang Y, Xia Z, Lian Z, Qian L, Yan S, Cao B, Qiu Z#. 2022. Ethylene Inhibits Anthocyanin Biosynthesis by Repressing the R2R3-MYB Regulator SlAN2-like in Tomato.International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23(14): 7648.

3.        Yan S*, Yu B*, Ming F, Liang Y, Zhong Y, Wang Z, Zhang X, Li X, Qiu Z#, Cao B#. 2022. CsIVP Modulates Low Nitrogen and High-Temperature Resistance in Cucumber. Plant and Cell Physiology 63(5): 605-617.

4.        Zhi J, Liu X, Li D, Huang Y, Yan S, Cao B#, Qiu Z#. 2020. CRISPR/Cas9-mediated SlAN2 mutants reveal various regulatory models of anthocyanin biosynthesis in tomato plant. Plant Cell Reports 39(6): 799-809.

5.        Dong R, Yu B, Yan S, Qiu Z, Cao B#. 2020. Analysis of Vitamin P Content and Inheritance Models in Eggplant. Horticultural Plant Journal 6(4): 7.

6.        Yan S*, Chen N*, Huang Z*, Li D, Zhi J, Yu B, Liu X#, Cao B#, Qiu Z#. 2020. Anthocyanin Fruit encodes an R2R3-MYB transcription factor, SlAN2-like, activating the transcription of SlMYBATV to fine-tune anthocyanin content in tomato fruit. New Phytologist 225(5): 2048-2063.

7.        Qiu Z*, Yan S*, Xia B*, Jiang J, Yu B, Lei J, Chen C, Chen L, Yang Y, Wang Y, Cao B#. 2019. The eggplant transcription factor MYB44 enhances resistance to bacterial wilt by activating the expression of spermidine synthase. Journal of Experimental Botany 70(19): 5343-5354.

8.        Qiu Z*, Wang H*, Li D, Yu B, HuI Q, Yan S, Huang Z, Cui X#, Cao B#. 2019. Identification of Candidate HY5-Dependent and -Independent Regulators of Anthocyanin Biosynthesis in Tomato. Plant and Cell Physiology 60(3): 643-656.

9.        Cao X*, Qiu Z*, Wang X, Van TG, Liu X, Wang J, Wang X, Gao J, Guo Y, Du Y#. 2017. A putative R3 MYB repressor is the candidate gene underlying atroviolacium, a locus for anthocyanin pigmentation in tomato fruit. Journal of Experimental Botany 68(21-22).

10.    Cui L*, Qiu Z*, Wang Z, Gao J, Guo Y, Huang Z, Du Y, Wang X. Huang Z#. 2017. Fine mapping of a gene (ER4. 1) that causes epidermal reticulation of tomato fruit and characterization of the associated transcriptome. Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 1254.

11.    Qiu Z*, Li R*, Zhang S, Wang K, Xu M, Li J, Du Y#, Yu H#, Cui X#. 2016a. Identification of Regulatory DNA Elements Using Genome-wide Mapping of DNase I Hypersensitive Sites during Tomato Fruit Development. Molecular Plant 9(8): 1168-1182.

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