2023年~2024年:新西兰植物与食品研究所 访问学者
2016年至今:华南农业大学园艺学院 副教授
2010年~2016年:华南农业大学园艺学院 博士学位(蔬菜学)
2006年~2010年:华南农业大学园艺学院 学士学位(园艺)
(1)Liu J, Cui JJ, Dong JC, Zhong J, Zhong CF, Yuan FC, Guan WD, Hu F, Cheng JW*, Hu KL*. 1-bp deletion in the MC04g1399 is highly associated with failure to produce fruit wart in bitter gourd. Horticultural Plant Journal,2024,10:171-180
(2)Zhong J, Cui J, Liu J, Zhong C, Hu F, Dong J, Cheng J*, Hu K*. Fine-mapping and candidate gene analysis of the Mcgy1 locus responsible for gynoecy in bitter gourd (Momordica spp.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2023, 136:81
(3)Zhong J, Cui J, Miao M, Hu F, Dong J, Liu J, Zhong C, Cheng J*, Hu K*. A point mutation in MC06g1112 encoding FLOWERING LOCUS T decreases the first flower node in bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.). Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023, 14:1153208
(4)Hu F, Dong J, Zhang S, Song Z, Guan W, Yuan F, Zhong J, Liu J, Hu K*, Cheng J*. Fine mapping and gene silencing pinpoint Capana10g002229 as a strong candidate gene regulating the deciduous character of ripe pepper fruit (Capsicum spp.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2023, 136 (5):107.
(5)Zhong J, Cui J, Liu J, Zhong C, Hu F, Dong J, Cheng J*, Hu K*. Fine-mapping and candidate gene analysis of the Mcgy1 locus responsible for gynoecy in bitter gourd (Momordica spp.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2023.
(6)Dong J, Hu F, Guan W, Yuan F, Lai Z, Zhong J, Liu J, Wu Z, Cheng J*, Hu K*. A 163-bp insertion in the Capana10g000198 encoding a MYB transcription factor causes male sterility in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). Plant Journal, 2023, 113 (3):521-535.
(7)Zhong J#, Cheng J#, Cui J, Hu F, Dong J, Liu J, Zou Y, Hu K. MC03g0810, an Important Candidate Gene Controlling Black Seed Coat Color in Bitter Gourd (Momordica spp.). Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13:875631.
(8)Hu F#, Cheng J#, Dong J, Zhong J, Zhou Z, Hu K. Fine mapping and candidate gene analysis of the up locus determining fruit orientation in pepper (Capsicum spp.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2021, 134 (9):2901-2911.
(9)程蛟文, 刘运春, 汪国平, 黄雪梅, 赵普艳, 柴喜荣. 《园艺植物种子生产原理与技术》课程思政建设与实践探索. 中国种业, 2021, (6):56-58.
(10)Li G, Zhou Z, Liang L, Song Z, Hu Y, Cui J, Chen W, Hu K, Cheng J*. Genome-wide identification and analysis of highly specific CRISPR/Cas9 editing sites in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). PLoS One, 2020, 15 (12):e0244515.
(11)邹一超, 钟建, 胡芳, 董骥驰, 胡开林, 程蛟文*苦瓜种子大小和单粒质量的遗传分析. 中国蔬菜, 2020, (4):61-66.
(12)Cheng J.#, Chen Y.#, Hu Y., Zhou Z., Hu F., Dong J., Chen W., Cui J., Wu Z., and Hu K.*, Fine mapping of restorer-of-fertility gene based on high-density genetic mapping and collinearity analysis in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.).Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2020. 133(3): 889-902.
(13)张梦弟, 朱香妹, 张红艳, 庄何镇, 金一帆, 胡开林, 程蛟文*: 苦瓜主要株型性状的遗传分析. 湖南农业科学,2019,(7):9-14.
(14)程蛟文, 钟建, 程雨柔, 胡芳, 崔竣杰, 胡开林: 苦瓜种子EMS诱变条件分析. 中国蔬菜,2019,(1):26-31.
(15)程蛟文, 赵普艳, 柴喜荣, 汪国平 《蔬菜种子生产技术》教学实践与改革探索. 中国种业, 2019, (06):1-3.
(16)Cui J.#, Cheng J.#, Nong D., Peng J., Hu Y., He W., Zhou Q., Dhillon N. P. S., and Hu K.*, Genome-wide analysis of simple Sequence Repeats in Bitter Gourd (Momordica charantia).Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017. 8(1103): 1103.
(17)Cheng J.#, Zhao Z.#, Li B., Qin C., Wu Z., Trejo-Saavedra D. L., Luo X., Cui J., Rivera-Bustamante R. F., Li S., and Hu K.*, A comprehensive characterization of simple sequence repeats in pepper genomes provides valuable resources for marker development in Capsicum.Scientific Reports, 2016. 6: 18919.
(18)Cheng J.#, Qin C.#, Tang X.#, Zhou H., Hu Y., Zhao Z., Cui J., Li B., Wu Z., Yu J., and Hu K.*, Development of a SNP array and its application to genetic mapping and diversity assessment in pepper (Capsicum spp.).Scientific Reports, 2016. 6: 33293.
(19)Li W.#, Cheng J.#, Wu Z., Qin C., Tan S., Tang X., Cui J., Zhang L., and Hu K.*, An InDel-based linkage map of hot pepper (Capsicum annuum).Molecular Breeding, 2015. 35(1): 32.
(20)Tan S#, Cheng J#, Zhang L, Qin C, Nong DG, Li WP, Tang X, Wu ZM, Hu KL*: Construction of an interspecific genetic map based on InDel and SSR for mapping the QTLs affecting the initiation of flower primordia in pepper (Capsicum spp.). PloS One 2015, 10(3):e0119389.
(21)程蛟文, 吴智明, 崔竣杰, 李卫鹏, 谭澍, 胡开林*: 主要蔬菜作物基因组含量统计与比较分析. 园艺学报2013, 40(1):135-144.
(22)程蛟文, 崔竣杰, 唐鑫, 吴智明, 胡开林*: 苦瓜两种叶色值与果色的相关性分析. 中国蔬菜2012, (4):54-57.
personal resume
Associate Prof.Jiaowen Cheng
South China Agricultural University Guangzhou,Guangdong510642,P. R. China
Tel: (+86)020-85280228
E-mail: jiaolong1015@126.com https://yy.scau.edu.cn/2018/0430/c9113a224610/page.htm
l Ph.D. (Vegetable science)
CollegeofHorticulture, Guangzhou, 2016
l B.S. (Horticulture)
CollegeofHorticulture, Guangzhou, 2010
Areaof Expertise
Vegetable genetic breeding and biotechnology
1. Liu J, Cui JJ, Dong JC, Zhong J, Zhong CF, Yuan FC, Guan WD, Hu F, Cheng JW*, Hu KL*. 1-bp deletion in the MC04g1399 is highly associated with failure to produce fruit wart in bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.). Horticultural Plant Journal, 2024, 10:171-180
2. Zhong J, Cui J, Liu J, Zhong C, Hu F, Dong J, Cheng J*, Hu K*. Fine-mapping and candidate gene analysis of the Mcgy1 locus responsible for gynoecy in bitter gourd (Momordica spp.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2023, 136:81
3. Zhong J, Cui J, Miao M, Hu F, Dong J, Liu J, Zhong C, Cheng J*, Hu K*. A point mutation in MC06g1112 encoding FLOWERING LOCUS T decreases the first flower node in bitter gourd (Momordica charantia L.). Frontiers in Plant Science, 2023, 14:1153208
4. Hu F, Dong J, Zhang S, Song Z, Guan W, Yuan F, Zhong J, Liu J, Hu K*, Cheng J*. Fine mapping and gene silencing pinpoint Capana10g002229 as a strong candidate gene regulating the deciduous character of ripe pepper fruit (Capsicum spp.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2023, 136 (5):107.
5. Zhong J, Cui J, Liu J, Zhong C, Hu F, Dong J, Cheng J*, Hu K*. Fine-mapping and candidate gene analysis of the Mcgy1 locus responsible for gynoecy in bitter gourd (Momordica spp.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2023.
6. Dong J, Hu F, Guan W, Yuan F, Lai Z, Zhong J, Liu J, Wu Z, Cheng J*, Hu K*. A 163-bp insertion in the Capana10g000198 encoding a MYB transcription factor causes male sterility in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). Plant Journal, 2023, 113 (3):521-535.
7. Zhong J#, Cheng J#, Cui J, Hu F, Dong J, Liu J, Zou Y, Hu K. MC03g0810, an Important Candidate Gene Controlling Black Seed Coat Color in Bitter Gourd (Momordica spp.). Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13:875631.
8. Hu F#, Cheng J#, Dong J, Zhong J, Zhou Z, Hu K. Fine mapping and candidate gene analysis of the up locus determining fruit orientation in pepper (Capsicum spp.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2021, 134 (9):2901-2911.
9. Li G, Zhou Z, Liang L, Song Z, Hu Y, Cui J, Chen W, Hu K, Cheng J*. Genome-wide identification and analysis of highly specific CRISPR/Cas9 editing sites in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). PLoS One, 2020, 15 (12):e0244515.
10. Cheng J.#, Chen Y.#, Hu Y., Zhou Z., Hu F., Dong J., Chen W., Cui J., Wu Z., and Hu K.*, Fine mapping of restorer-of-fertility gene based on high-density genetic mapping and collinearity analysis in pepper (Capsicum annuum L.).Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2020. 133(3): 889-902.