


高用顺 博士



亚热带农业生物资源保护与利用国家重点实验室 学术成员

农业部华南地区园艺作物生物学与种质创制重点实验室 秘书


E-mail: yongshungao@163.com


主要研究领域有热带亚热带果树功能基因组学,果树花期调控的分子遗传机制,园艺植物功能性产物的合成调控及其产业应用。先后主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,上海市自然科学基金青年项目1项,广东省自然科学基金自由项目1项,主要参加国家自然科学基金面上项目以及广州市科信局项目各1项。在Journalof Experimental Botany,Plantand Cell Physiology,Frontiersin Plant Science,BiochemicalJournal,Journalof Biological Chemistry等SCI期刊上发表论文9篇,以及园艺学报、果树学报等中文核心期刊上发表学术论文4篇。





2016.12至今      华南农业大学,园艺学院,果树系,副教授

2013.062016.11   华南农业大学,园艺学院,果树系,讲师

2011.102013.05   中国科学院上海植物生理生态研究所,助理研究员

2011.052011.09   日本岛根大学,博士后(JSPS Scholarship)



20082011  日本国立鸟取大学,联合农学研究学院,博士

20062008  日本国立岛根大学,生命环境科学研究生院,硕士

20042006  北京林业大学,生物科学与技术学院,硕士研究生

20002004  北京林业大学,生物科学与技术学院,学士



2014,     华南农业大学 “青年骨干教师”

2011,     日本学术振兴会(JSPS)博士后研究员奖学金




1.       热带亚热带果树功能基因组学;

2.       热带亚热带果树花期调控的分子遗传机制;

3.       热带亚热带果树遗传育种;

4.       园艺作物重要代谢物质合成调控;

5.       园艺作物相关功能性产品研发。

6.       咖啡品种选育、咖啡种植技术、咖啡生豆处理与加工。




1)  广东省自然科学基金自由项目(2017-2020)“调控枇杷属植物花期变化的关键基因挖掘”,10万元,(主持,在研

2)  国家自然科学基金青年项目 (2013-2015) “Basichelix-loop-helix(bHLH)蛋白在光信号以及油菜素甾醇调控拟南芥开花过程中的作用”(31200216),22万元,(主持,已结题

3)  上海市自然科学基金青年项目 (2013-2015)“光信号与油菜素甾醇共同调控拟南芥开花时间的机制研究”(12ZR1452400),10万元,(主持,已结题

4)  国家自然科学基金面上项目 (2013-2016)“蓝光特异性抑制其信号转导关键蛋白CIB1降解的机制研究”(31270285),80万元,(排名第二,已结题

5)  广州市科技计划项目 (2015-2017)“枇杷属种质资源的药物和砧木利用研究”(201504010028),140万元,(排名第四,在研

6)  广东省公益研究与能力建设项目(2015-2016)“枇杷属植物种质资源圃建设”(2014A030304057),10万元,(排名第二,已结题);

7)  广东省公益研究与能力建设项目(后补助)(2015-2017)“枇杷属植物种质资源圃建设”(2015A030303015),20万元,(排名第二,在研)。



1)  Zhang L, Yu H, Lin S*, Gao Y*. (2016) MolecularCharacterization of FT and FD Homologs from Eriobotrya deflexa Nakai forma koshunensis. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7(8): 1-10. (IF: 4.495,SCI 二区,共同通讯作者)

2)   Gao YS*,Yuan Y*, Song G, Lin SQ. (2016) Inhibitory effect of ursolic acid and oleanolicacid from Eriobotrya fragrans on A549cell viability in vivo. Genetics and Molecular Research, 15(2).gmr.15028642 (IF: 0.764,SCI四区,第一作者)

3)   YuanY#, Gao Y#,Song G, Lin S. (2015) Ursolic Acid and Oleanolic Acid from Eriobotrya fragransInhibited the Viability of A549 Cells. NaturalProduct Communications. 10 (2), 2015 239-242(IF:0.924,SCI四区,共同第一作者

4)   GaoY, Nishikawa H, Badejo AA, Shibata H, Sawa Y,Nakagawa T, Maruta T, Shigeoka S, Smirnoff N, Ishikawa T. (2011) Expression ofaspartyl protease and C3HC4-type RING zinc finger genes are responsive toascorbic acid in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Experimental Botany, 62: 3647-3657(IF: 5.364,SCI 二区,第一作者)

5)   Gao Y, BadejoAA, Sawa Y, Ishikawa T. (2012) Analysisof two L-Galactono-1,4-lactone-responsive genes with complementary expressionduring the development of Arabidopsisthaliana. Plant and CellPhysiology, 53: 592-601 (IF: 4.134,SCI 二区,第一作者)

6)   Badejo AA, Wada K, Gao Y, Maruta T, Sawa Y, Shigeoka S, Ishikawa T. (2012)Translocation and the alternative D-galacturonate pathway contribute toincreasing the ascorbate level in ripening tomato fruits together with theD-mannose/L-galactose pathway. Journalof Experimental Botany, 63: 229-239(IF: 5.242,SCI 二区)

7)   Gao Y,Badejo AA,Shibata H, Sawa Y, Maruta T, Shigeoka S, Page M, Smirnoff N, Ishikawa T.(2011) Expression Analysis of the VTC2 and VTC5 Genes Encoding GDP-L-Galactose Phosphorylase,an Enzyme Involved in Ascorbate Biosynthesis, in Arabidopsis thaliana. Bioscience,Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 75: 1783-1788 (IF: 1.276,第一作者)

8)   IshikawaT, Tajima N, Nishikawa H, Gao Y,Rapolu M, Shibata H, Sawa Y, Shigeoka S. (2010) Euglena gracilis ascorbateperoxidase forms an intramolecular dimeric structure: its unique molecularcharacterization. Biochemical Journal,426: 125-134 (IF: 5.155,SCI 二区)

9)   IshikawaT, Nishikawa H, Gao Y, Sawa Y,Shibata H, Yabuta Y, Maruta T, Shigeoka S. (2008) The pathway viaD-galacturonate/L-galactonate is significant for ascorbate biosynthesis inEuglena gracilis: identification and functional characterization ofaldonolactonase. Journal of BiologicalChemistry, 283: 31133-31141 (IF: 5.579,SCI 二区)

10)    高用顺,汪以,朱云美,林顺权*(2016)TFL1 调控蔷薇科植物开花时间的分子机制。果树学报,33(8):1015-1021。(第一作者

11)    朱云美,张玲,高用顺*,林顺权(2016)温度对植物开花时间调控的研究进展。亚热带农业研究,12(2):130-135。(通讯作者

12)    刘义存,岑伟仪,黄天启,林玉霜,张志珂,高用顺,林顺权*(2014)枇杷属植物茎尖离体培养及褐化抑制研究。果树学报,31(3):415-422。

13)   张 玲,郑婷婷,魏伟淋,朱云美,高用顺,杨向晖*,林顺权*(2015)两种不同肉色枇杷果实类胡萝卜素积累及合成相关基因的表达。园艺学报,42 (11):2153–2162。







1)   Gui-fenLi, Zhi-ke Zhang, Guixiang Huang, YongshunGao and Shunquan Lin. (2014) Using GISH to analyze the relationship ofE.prinoides, E.japonica and E.prinoidesRehd. & Wils.var.Daduhensis. IV International Symposiumon Loquat. May 12-15, 2014, Palermo,Italy (Oral Presentation)

2)   TakahiroIshikawa, Yongshun Gao,Takuya Matsuzawa, Yoshihiro Sawa, Hitoshi Shibata, TakanoriMaruta, and ShigeruShigeoka. (2011) Functional analysis of ascorbate biosynthetic genes VTC2/VTC5 inplant. Conference of the VitaminSociety of Japan (63th),Hirosihma, Japan. June 4th-5th

3)   Yongshun Gao,Takuya Masuzawa, Adebanjo Ayobamidele Badejo, Hitoshi Shibata, Yoshihiro Sawa,Nicholas Smirnoff, Takanori Maruta, Shigeru Shigeoka and Takahiro Ishikawa. (2011)Expression analysis of VTC2 and VTC5 genes related to ascorbatebiosynthesis in Arabidopsis. The 52nd Annual Meeting of the JapaneseSociety of Plant Physiologists. TohokuUniversity Sendai, Miyagi Prefecture Japan. March 20th-22nd

4)   Yongshun Gao,Yoshihiro Sawa, Hitoshi Shibata, Tsuyoshi Nakagawa, Nicholas Smirnoff, ShigeruShigeoka and Takahiro Ishikawa. (2010) Ascorbateresponsive genes in Arabidopsis thaliana.21st International Conference on Arabidopsis ResearchPacifico Yokohama, Tokyo. June 6 th-10th

5)   Yongshun Gao, Yoshihiro Sawa, HitoshiShibata, Tsuyoshi Nakagawa, Nicholas Smirnoff, Shigeru Shigeoka and Takahiro Ishikawa. (2010) Screening ofascorbate-responsive genes using Arabidopsis ascorbate-deficient mutant (AnAspartyl Protease and a Ring Zinc Finger Protein Discovered to Have CloseRelation with Ascorbic Acid Pool Size Change in Arabidopsis). The 51st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists. Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan, March18th-21st

6)   Yongshun Gao, Hitoshi Nishikawa, Yukinori Yabuta,TakanoriMaruta, Yoshihiro Sawa, Hitoshi Shibata, Shigeru Shigeoka and Takahiro Ishikawa. (2007) Functional analysis of aldonolactonase on the ascorbate biosynthesispathway in Euglena. Conference of Japan Society for Bioscience,Biotechnology, and Agrochemistry.Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi, Japan, September14th-15th (OralPresentation)

7)   Yongshun Gao, Naoko Tajima, Yoshihiro Sawa, Hitoshi Shibata, Shigeru Shigeoka and Takahiro Ishikawa. (2007) Intermoleculardimmer structure of Euglena ascorbate peroxidase. Conference of the Vitamin Society of Japan (59th). HUIS TENBOSCH, Nagasaki, Japan, May24th (OralPresentation)




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