
赵普艳  女,汉族,陕西蒲城人,农学博士,讲师,中共党员,蔬菜学专业,邮箱zhaopuyan@scau.edu.cn。2013年获批华南农业大学青年骨干教师,2020年春入选华南农业大学第一批卓越青年教师百人计划。


2012.1—今      华南农业大学园艺学院任教,讲师,从事蔬菜学教学科研工作

2007.11—2011.10,德国吉森-李比希大学, 分子植物病理学,农学博士









叶菜类蔬菜高效移栽机械化技术试验与示范应用, 20万,其他纵向2019.04.09-2020.08.30,主持


番茄基质金属蛋白酶基因的克隆及其在抗青枯病中的功能, 3万,广东省自然基金 2012.10.01-2014.12.31 项目编号S2012040007555,主持;


优质多抗菜心芥蓝新品种选育 100万,省重点领域研发计划,2019.04.04- 2022.12.31,项目编号2018B020202010,排名第三;





铵态氮降低菜心硝酸盐含量的信号及分子调控机制,30万,广州市珠江新星,2013.05.01-2016.07.20,项目编号2013J2200089, 排名第二;




Zhao PY, Zhang F, Liu DL, Imani J, Langen G, Kogel K-H. (2017) Matrix metalloproteinases operate redundantly in Arabidopsis immunity against necrotrophic and biotrophic fungal pathogens. PloS One, 2017, 12(8): e0183577.

赵普艳,雷妙,陈建均,马张正,王璇,林忆兰(2017)番茄发育相关基因 SlLNG1 和 SlLNG2 的鉴定与组织表达模式分析.分子植物育种15(3):792-799

Liu DL, Leib K, Zhao PY, Kogel K-H. and Langen, G.(2014)The barley negative defense regulators HvWRKY1 and -2 are pathogen and wounding responsive and repress the promoter activity of the pathogen-inducible gene HvGER4c Molecular Genetics & Genomics, 289(6), 1331-1345

Liu A, Chen S, Wang M, Wang Z, Zheng C, Zhao P et al. (2015). Silencing of mitochondrial uncoupling protein gene aggravates chilling stress by altering mitochondrial respiration and electron transport in tomato. Acta physiologiae plantarum, 37(11): 223.

Liu AR*, Chen SC, Chen, Jin WJ, Zhao PY, Jeewon R, and Xu T (2012)Host specificity of endophytic Pestalotiopsis populations in mangrove plant species of South China. African Journal of Microbiology Research. 6(33): 6262-6269

刘迪林,赵普艳* (2013). 植物基质金属蛋白酶(MMPs)研究进展. 西北植物学报. 33(3):636-642 (*:通讯作者)

张晓艳,叶珺琳,李仕芳,柴喜荣,赵普艳,杨 暹(2015). 不同熟性菜心品种糖代谢规律的研究. 广东农业科学.42(18): 25-31.

黄旺平, 康云艳, 杨暹, 赵普艳, 张晓艳, 叶珺琳, 李仕芳(2015)钾肥类型对菜心(菜薹)生长、细胞保护酶和内源激素的影响. 热带亚热带植物学报.23(5): 553 -558

叶珺琳,张晓艳,柴喜荣,赵普艳,康云艳,李仕芳,杨暹. (2016) 芥蓝主要营养成分与活性氧代谢的研究[J]. 广东农业科学, 43(04):57-62.


赵普艳,孙光闻,柴喜荣,杨暹. (2017) 生本教育理念下的农业高校公选课教学探索与实践——以公选课“庭院蔬菜栽培”为例. 科教导刊(中旬刊), (07):117-118+146.


personal resume

Lecturer Puyan Zhao

College of Horticulture

South China Agricultural University

Guangzhou, Guangdong 510642, P. R. China

Tel: (+86) 13610208706



l  Ph.D. (Molecular phytopathology)

Justus Liebig University, Giessen, 2007

l  M.S. (Vegetable Science)

Northwest A&F University, Xi An, 2004

l  B.S. (Vegetable Science)

Northwest A&F University, Xi An, 1999

Area of Expertise

Disease resistance, molecular stress biology, and plant-microbe interactions in vegetable crops

Selected Publications

1. Chen A, Li JY, Wang HP, Zhao PY (2024). Identification and expression profile of NCED genes in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) during drought stress. International Journal of Molecular Sciences

2. Zhao PY, Zhang F, Liu DL, Imani J, Langen G, Kogel K-H. (2017) Matrix metalloproteinases operate redundantly in Arabidopsis immunity against necrotrophic and biotrophic fungal pathogens. PLoS One, 2017, 12(8): e0183577.

3. Chen, S., Zhao, H., Wang, Z., Zheng, C., Zhao, PY., Guan, Z., Qin, H., Liu, A., Lin, X., Ahammed, G. (2016) Trichoderma harzianum-induced resistance against Fusarium oxysporum involves regulation of nuclear DNA content, cell viability and cell cycle-related genes expression in cucumber roots. European Journal of Plant Pathology. DOI 10.1007/s10658-016-0978-7

4. Liu A, Chen S, Wang M, Wang Z, Zheng C, Zhao PY et al. (2015). Silencing of mitochondrial uncoupling protein gene aggravates chilling stress by altering mitochondrial respiration and electron transport in tomato. Acta physiologiae plantarum, 37(11): 223.

5. Liu DL, Leib K, Zhao PY, Kogel K-H. and Langen, G*. (2014) The barley negative defense regulators HvWRKY1 and -2 are pathogen and wounding responsive and repress the promoter activity of the pathogen-inducible gene HvGER4c. Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 289(6), 1331-1345

6. Liu AR*, Chen SC, Chen, Jin WJ, Zhao PY, Jeewon R, and Xu T (2012) Host specificity of endophytic Pestalotiopsis populations in mangrove plant species of South China. African Journal of Microbiology Research. 6(33): 6262-6269

 7. Zhao, PY., Liu, D., Langen,G. and Kogel K-H. (2011).Matrix metalloproteinases are involved in plant resistance to Botrytis cinerea. Journal of Plant Pathology. 93(1),44


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