The Research Groupof Fruits Germplasm
Team Leader: LinShunquan
FruitsGermplasm Research Group belongs to the “Ministry of Agriculture Key Laboratoryof Biology and Germplasm Enhancement of Horticultural Crops in South China” and“Guangdong Province Education Department Key Laboratory of Germplasm Innovationand Utilization of Horticultural Crops in South China”. The group membersconsist of 6 professors, 1 associated professor, and 3 lecturers. The researchmaterials include loquat, plum, pineapple, banana, litchi, longan, and citrus,about these, the related studies including germplasm resource and geneticbreeding, biotechnology, fruit development, and flower formation molecularbiology have been carried out. In the area of germplasm resources collection,the cooperation with Southeast Asian countries, South American countries, andInternational Banana Germplasm Resource Center has been preceded, among thesefruits, the research of Eriobotrya (loquat) germplasm resource is in the headof at home and abroad. The established germplasm resource nursery is one of thefour germplasm resource nurseries under the “State Key Laboratory forConservation and Utilization of Subtropical Agro-bioresources.”