TheResearch Team of Cultivation and Ecophysiology of Tropical & SubtropicalFruit Trees
Teamleader: Chen Jiezhong
Teammembers: Chen Jiezhong, Yao Qing, Zhang Hailan,Feng Qirui, Hu Zhiqun
Our groupfocuses on the stress physiology of mineral nutrition for tropical andsubtropical fruit trees, and the soil microbial ecology and management inorchards, with citrus plant as main target. Using molecular physiological andecological techniques, three research orientations are intensified: Molecularmechanisms of mineral nutritional stresses and their regulation; Molecular andphysiological mechanisms of regulation on tree growth and fruit quality bystocks; Microbial and ecological mechanisms of soil management in orchards.
Funded Projects:
l The influence of low pH onthe development and functioning of arbuscules in arbuscular mycorrhizae and itsregulating mechanisms by phytohormones (NSFC project, 2016-2019)
l Research and development ofmycorrhizal fungi based bio-organic fertilizer specially for blueberry and itsapplication (Guangdong S&T project, 2016-2018)
Selected Publications:
l Gu Z, Zhu H, Xie X, Wang Y,Liu X, Yao Q. 2016. The feather-degrading bacterial community in two soils asrevealed by a specific primer targeting serine-type keratinolytic proteases.World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology, 32: 165.
l Zhang Y,Yao Q, Li J, Wang Y, Liu X, Hu Y, Chen J. 2015. Contributions of anarbuscular mycorrhizal fungus to growth and physiology of loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) plants subjected todrought stress. Mycological Progress, 14: 1-11.
l Liu X,Li J, Huang M, Chen J. 2015. Mechanisms for the influence of citrus rootstocks on fruitsize. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 63: 2618-2627.
l Zhu H, Zhang R, Chen W, Gu Z,Xie X, Zhao H, Yao Q. 2015. The possible involvement of salicylic acid andhydrogen peroxide in the systemic promotion of phenolic biosynthesis in cloverroots colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus. Journal of Plant Physiology,178: 27-34.
l Cui H, Zhou Y, Gu Z, Zhu H,Fu S, Yao Q. 2015. The combined effects of cover crops and symbiotic microbeson phosphatase gene and organic phosphorus hydrolysis in subtropical orchardsoils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 82: 119-126.
l WangC, Gu Z, Cui H, Zhu H, Fu S, Yao Q. 2015. Differences in arbuscularmycorrhizal fungal community composition in soils of three land use types insubtropical hilly area of southern China. PLoS ONE, 10(6): e0130983.
Research Achievements:
l Publishing 7 textbooks and monographs
l Being awarded with the National Science and TechnologyProgress Award (2nd prize), Science and Technology Progress Award ofGuangdong Province (1st prize and 2nd prize)
l Holding 5 licensed patents and 2 registered fertilizerproducts