Guangdong ProvinceEducation Department Key Laboratory of Germplasm Innovation and Utilization ofHorticultural Crops in South China
Director: LinShunquan
Theresearch objects of this lab include tropical and subtropical horticulturalplant germplasm resources (fruits, vegetables, and tea). The lab works oncollection and preservation of horticultural plant germplasm resources,germplasm enhancement, and cultivar improvement. At present, the lab hasestablished the most abundant Eriobotrya and Hoya germplasm nursery, and hascultivated large amounts of new species through the hybridization. The genomicsequencing projects of litchi and loquat have been started. The involvedsubject has been selected as “Panfeng key discipline” in Guangdong Province.The lab possesses totally open platform for scientific communication, throughwhich, a lot of research cooperation and talent cultivation between relateddomestic and national research institutions have been carried out.