Institute of horticultural biotechnology
Director: Lei Jianjun
Instituteof horticultural biotechnology was established in 2003 to promote the newdiscipline of modern biotechnology in horticultural plants, includingvegetable, fruit and ornamental plant. This institute is an open researchcenter for all the horticultural students and teachers from the horticulturalcollege. We mainly focus on the molecular biology mechanism of many importantphysiological and biochemical process in horticultural crops. To data, someimportant progresses have been made in this institute: 1, cloning andcharacterization of resistant genes, self-incompatibility genes, somaticembryogenesis genes, senescence related genes, aroma formation genes andcapsaicin, glucosinolate biosynthetic genes; 2, important genes transformationinto Cucumber, Chili, Chinese kale and so on; 3, the study of molecular biologyin sterility of Chilli pepper; 4, Study on cryopreservation of Loquat GermplasmResources; 5, The construction of molecular linkage map oflitchi and longan and the research on system classification of loquatresources; 6, Genomics research on the genome sequencing of pepper, litchi andloquat.